We are looking forward to meeting you for the first time or reconnecting with some of you we met last year, it will also be nice to talk with those who are already part of the Solpak family, our clients.

The RC Show will be taking place at the Enercare Centre in downtown Toronto from Sunday, Feb 26 to Tuesday, Feb 28.

For those who are not familiar with Solpak, you will be able to see demonstrations of our traysealers, including the automated 1908 and meet withRichard Paradis, the Products and Solutions advisor who looks after clients in Ontario. Hugues Brouillette, our Manager, Client relations will also be there Sunday to answer all your questions and discuss the ideal meal packaging solutions for your operation and challenges.

You can find us at booth #843 in the western part of the venue.

You will find numerous other ideas at the show to keep you up-to-date with all the latest food trends, among the hundreds of other exhibitors.

See you soon!