Welcome to l’Académie Hotel and Tourism of Lanaudière which is the culinary training program of the Commission Scolaire des Samares.

Marcello Saillant Seccarieccia and administrator Stephane Toustou, after much consideration and research to find ecological and safe meal packaging for the prepared meals, produced by the students under the watchful eyes of their instructors and sold in the school’s boutique, chose Solpak as their supplier.

They have procured an Oliver 1308 model tray sealer to seal the meal trays and will be ready for the new school year.

It’s interesting to note that even after having found Solpak, they turned to their long-time kitchen equipment supplier  ( Mr. Luc Poirier of Doyon Cuisine) in order to make sure they had considered all possible alternatives, and their recommendation was to turn to a Solpak solution.

It is gratifying to think that another culinary school program is joining the Solpak family and making our ecological products know to a new generation of chefs.

Congratulations to the entire personnel at the academy for your dedication to the training of the young chefs!
