Tip #1 – Make your food stand out from the crowd

Packaging is a consumer’s first impression of your product.

According to a research by Good Natured Products, 86% of those surveyed prefer food packaging that is clear and would be likely to buy the product if they could first see how it looked.

Heat-sealed packaging often features a transparent film or window allowing the consumers to see the packaged contents. This enhances the appearance and quality of the meal, giving consumers a preview of what they’re buying. This can be particularly important for marketing purposes, as food presentation can influence consumer perception and appeal.

At Solpak, we realize that consumers will not only be more attracted to packaging that showcases products clearly and transparently but also that its composition will be decisive in their choice while enhancing the brand’s eco-friendly branding! That’s why we offer compostable, biodegradable, and recyclable trays, with complete transparency!

Tip #2 – Temperature and type

Choose packaging that keeps food at the right temperature, whether hot or cold.

Some dishes and types of cuisine do better than others. Nobody likes soggy fries or wilted salads. Optimize your menu to ensure your prepared foods travel well and retain quality during delivery.

For example, consider offering foods that are less sensitive to temperature changes, or foods that can be easily reheated without compromising taste.

You can also choose packaging options that keep the various components separate until the customer is ready to consume the meal.

Tip #3 – Choose sustainable packaging

Now more than ever, consumers expect the brands they trust to pay particular attention to their packaging choices and to deliver their products in the most sustainable way possible.

Foodservice companies must therefore opt for more environmentally-friendly packaging. Packaging that can be easily recycled or composted is a preferred option.

Tip #4 – Favor easy-to-open and handle packaging

Consider the customer’s experience by selecting packaging that is easy to open and handle.

Heat-sealed packaging is convenient for consumers, allowing easy access to food while preserving freshness. This convenience factor contributes to a positive consumer experience. Another important factor concerning packaging is safety: at Solpak, trays carry no risk of cuts or burns.

Safe packaging with an easy-to-peel film is therefore essential if you want to avoid user frustration. If a product requires too much time or effort to open and represents a hazard, consumers will reject it. This is a particular concern for the elderly or disabled, as studies have shown that packaging that is difficult to open can have a direct impact on their diet.

In short, food packaging plays a crucial role in consumer perception and overall product experience. By showcasing your delicacies, choosing appropriate packaging for the temperature and type of food, opting for sustainable solutions, and prioritizing safety and ease of opening, you can enhance the customer experience and strengthen your brand’s reputation.

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