Good to know

Heat-sealed vs. lidded trays: Why hermetic sealing is revolutionizing food safety and freshness

Ensuring food safety and freshness is a crucial challenge in foodservice. Hermetically sealed trays stand out from traditional lidded trays by offering clear benefits for the preservation of ready-to-serve meals. Their advanced design not only effectively protects food from microbes, but also maintains its freshness and taste quality. Trays with lids vs. heat-sealed trays: an [...]

2025-01-15T15:30:35-05:0015 January 2025|Good to know, News|

Barquettes thermoscellées vs. barquettes avec couvercle : Pourquoi le scellage hermétique révolutionne la sécurité et la fraîcheur des aliments

Assurer la sécurité et la fraîcheur des aliments est un défi crucial dans les services alimentaires. Les barquettes thermoscellées hermétiquement se distinguent des barquettes traditionnelles avec couvercle en offrant des bénéfices clairs pour la conservation des repas prêts-à-servir. Leur conception avancée permet non seulement de protéger efficacement les aliments des microbes, mais aussi de maintenir [...]

2025-01-15T15:25:09-05:0015 January 2025|Good to know, News|

Our tips for promoting the use of sustainable food trays

With environmental awareness on the rise, adopting food trays made from eco-friendly materials such as plant fibres offers an opportunity to reduce environmental impact and strengthen brand image. However, to avoid accusations of greenwashing, promoting these initiatives authentically and transparently is essential. Here are some practical marketing tips to highlight your sustainability efforts while remaining [...]

2025-01-15T15:22:24-05:0015 January 2025|Good to know, News|

The journey of sustainable materials for meal trays

As environmental awareness grows, so does the importance of choosing sustainable materials for food packaging. Companies offering ready-to-serve meals are increasingly turning to eco-friendly packaging solutions.  Bamboo and sugarcane, derived from sugar cane, stand out among sustainable materials due to their environmentally friendly life cycle and ecological qualities. This article explores the journey of these [...]

2024-12-13T09:53:06-05:0013 December 2024|Good to know, News|

The future of sustainable packaging: Reducing the carbon footprint in food services

The foodservice industry is transitioning to more sustainable practices, and packaging plays a crucial role in this evolution. As consumers and businesses become increasingly aware of the importance of reducing their environmental impact, sustainable plant-fibre packaging materials are gaining popularity.  These eco-friendly alternatives are not only environmentally friendly, but they also offer superior performance to [...]

2024-12-13T09:40:38-05:0013 December 2024|Good to know, News|

The role of fibre-based food trays in the circular economy loop

With increasing attention to environmental impact, foodservice companies are adopting fibre-based trays, made from renewable materials such as bamboo, sugarcane and pressed paper, to participate in a more sustainable economy. These packages don't just replace single-use plastics; they play a key role in the circular economy, where every resource is fully exploited before returning to [...]

2024-11-13T13:48:11-05:0013 November 2024|Good to know, News|

How heat-sealed trays prevent cross-contamination

Food allergies have surged in recent decades, a phenomenon of particular concern in Quebec, where the number of young people under 18 affected by food allergies has increased by 18% over the past 10 years, according to a Radio-Canada report in 2022. Faced with this alarming trend, food industry companies are becoming increasingly aware of [...]

2024-11-13T13:38:22-05:0013 November 2024|Bon à savoir, Good to know, News|

Transitioning toward zero waste in the foodservice industry

The foodservice industry is undergoing a major transformation, with growing awareness of the ecological emergency. Once seen as a mere concept, zero waste is now becoming an unavoidable standard. This transition towards sustainable packaging and more environmentally friendly methods transforms our work and the consumer experience. Understanding the zero-waste approach Zero waste is not just [...]

2024-10-29T14:38:56-04:0029 October 2024|Good to know, News|

Safety and Conservation Tips for School Caterers: Everything You Need to Know

The recent launch of Nova Scotia School Lunch Program, supported by a government grant, offers a golden opportunity for school caterers across the province. This program, aimed at providing healthy and affordable meals to more than 75,000 students, highlights the importance of quality nutrition in schools. By extension, school caterers play an increasingly crucial role [...]

2024-10-17T13:56:55-04:0017 October 2024|Good to know, News, School caterer|

Heat retention: A key factor in food safety

Managing temperatures in the food service industry is not just about compliance – it's the key to success. Mastering thermal preservation ensures the safety of your customers while strengthening and growing your business. Get ready to dive into a topic that, while technical, is fundamental for any institutional food service professional committed to excellence and [...]

2024-10-17T13:02:24-04:0015 October 2024|Bon à savoir, Good to know, News|

You have a challenge related to the packaging of meals?
We can help you!

Solpak is the leading provider of meal packaging and thermal delivery solutions in Canada.

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