Good to know

Do some of your clients complain that your meals aren’t hot enough?

Your Meals on Wheels program delivers good hot meals to the homes of a number of men and women in your neighbourhood who need your services either because of physical limitations or to simplify their daily lives. But do some clients call you twice a week complaining about the temperature of the food and saying [...]

2020-05-13T12:04:04-04:0031 October 2017|Good to know|

Summer vacations are already at our doors. Your year-end verdict?

The summer season is already on our doorstep. You may have a quieter period that is approaching, a well-earned vacation or a much needed rest coming your way. At Solpak, we take advantage of every summer to rest, but also to prepare for back to school season, by looking back at the past year. Your [...]

2020-05-13T12:39:18-04:0015 June 2017|Good to know|

Did you know that there are risks to bring back the lunch leftovers at home?

It was Mother’s Day recently. I am a mum to two boys aged 1 and 3, and I took the time to reflect on our role. As mothers, our primary role is to protect our children. We do our best each day depending on the situation. This notice is intended therefore as a support to [...]

2020-05-13T12:40:00-04:009 June 2017|Good to know|

You have a challenge related to the packaging of meals?
We can help you!

Solpak is the leading provider of meal packaging and thermal delivery solutions in Canada.

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